Tidymodels & Caret

Ordinal data models

This tutorial aims to explore the most popular models used to predict an ordered response variable…

Predicting large and imbalanced data set using the R package tidymodels

The super easy way, at least for me, to deploy machine learning models is by making use of the R package tidymodels, which is a collection of many packages that makes…

Count data Models

When we deal with data that has a response variable of integer type, using a linear regression may violate the normality assumption and hence all the classical statistic tests would fail to evaluate the model…

Xgboost model

In this paper we learn how to implement xgboost model to predict the titanic data…

logistic regression

In this paper we will fit a logistic regression model to the heart disease data…

naive bayes

Naive bayes model based on a strong assumption that the features are conditionally independent given the class label…

knn model

In this paper we will explore the k nearest neighbors model using two data sets, the first is Tiatanic data to which we will fit this model for classification, and the second data is BostonHousing data (from mlbench package) that will be used to fit a regression model…

Methods for dealing with imbalanced data

The imbalanced data is the common feature of some type of data such as fraudulent credit card where the number of fraudulent cards is usually very small compared to…